Before speaking about the history of Internet, we must define Internet or say that for Internet are Several definitions :
Technical definition of Internet is "a world-wide system of networks of computers, a set integrated by the different networks from each country of the world, by means of as a user in any computer can, accede information of another computer and the power to have direct communication with other users in other computers."For other people, Internet it's a simply big source of information, in other words internet is a Great Encyclopedia
One of the qualities of Internet, is to facilitate the access to the information to the people being one of the main motors of the globalization.
Research Beginnings
The roots of today's Internet come from the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). Instead of performing its own research, ARPA (a branch of the Department of Defense), which became DARPA in 1972, regularly funded research projects related to technological development or military problems. In the 1960s, ARPA became interested in developing a way for computers to communicate with each other and began to fund programs at universities and corporations, including MIT and RAND. A network would both advance American technological development and provide a secure command and control over information during wartime. To this end, in the mid-1960s, ARPA began to support research into building an effective network.
Today's Internet Maintenance
From 1989 until 1995, there were few changes in the structure, but a mass explosion of interest. The number of hosts more than doubled in two years, and national magazines ran a number of cover stories about ``cyberspace.'' On April 30, 1995, the government and the organizations that built this system from scratch, released it; NSFnet was turned off, and Internet traffic was handed over to commercial networks. While the NSF is still funding research and setting guidelines for network providers, new infrastructure will be built and maintained by offsprings of telephone companies (like MCI and Sprint) and other organizations.
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