
Job Interview Techniques

What should you bring to the interview

Organize and prepare all the documents you will need to be with you Your job interview. Your main document is your resume. If you No summary, to replace your school records, Social Security card, work records, licenses, military material, the date employment and the names of your employers.

Your Links

It is also important to create a list of literature. Be prepared give the employer the names and addresses of three people who familiar with you and / or your work. You should ask your References to the use of their names in advance. If you believe it necessary, ask a professional friend or former employer write you a letter of reference, and include it in your resume.
If your work is the type of work you can show, to take samples from What have you done in the past.

I know the company and the employer

Learn all you can about the company that you interview. Go in the library or your Chamber of Commerce to find out everything you can about it. Try to find exactly what they are doing and what they in store for you, so far as regards employment. Find out who You will work for. The person you are going to work, will be very influential in your life. Make sure that you really want work for this person. If your future boss does not tell you about themselves for interview, do not ask.

Knowing how much you should receive

Knowing how much you should get your talents and skills. Do slightly higher than your assessment that the company benefits when they Bet you. Not too high or you do not get a job. Know about the fact that the scale of salaries for the work and be prepared to negotiate wages.

Know yourself

It is very important that you know yourself. Evaluate what you can The proposal of the company, whether it be education, training or special skills. Always tell them what you can do, not what you can not do. Just know what you are, and what type of job you want.

Know your interviewer

Prepare yourself questions on issues the interviewer will ask you. You must respond to the rehearsal The most frequently asked questions. Does anyone ask you this Issues in practice your answers:

How long do you want to stay in this company?
Why do you want to work here?
Why did you leave your last job?
Tell me about yourself.
Why are you not working?
Why should we hire you?
How long do you think you have to stay in the present work without
What do you like / dislike about your last job?
What is your great strength / weakness?
How much you want to earn?
How much do you earn?
Why do you think you can do this job without experience?

Your time

Make sure you have at least 10 minutes earlier than planned on destination. Do not arrive too early or too late. Give yourself enough time to spend with the interviewer - don't have to organize Appointment of 15 minutes after the first appointment. Your time with the interviewer should be continuous.

Your appearance and dress

Do not be too casual or too formal clothes for interviews. Dress conservatively, without showy flowers. Well-groomed and shave for your interview. Women should make sure that your very
accurately. Hair should not be in person, he must either be tied back. Makeup should be subtle. The way you look is very important your interviewer. If your look is bad for the interview,
This seems to be the employer of your work performance. Neat appearance must always be.

What to do at interviews

If an employer shake hand, shake it firm, solid handles. Do not shake your hand passively. Be businesslike but pleasant and friendly. Smile throughout the interview. Make sure your smile does not look fake. Good eye contact is very important. If You can not look into his eyes, looking at the bridge of his nose. It seems as if you in the eye. Sit straight But to the interviewer. This will make it seem as if you very interested in the fact that the interviewer should say. Not
smoke or bad posture during the interview. If you are under stress, try to act calmly.

What to say in an interview

Let the employer to assume responsibility for an interview. Answer it questions briefly but completely. Do not ramble on about unimportant things and waste their time. Dogmatic statements must Should be avoided. Tell the employer exactly what you expect from your
Jobs and out of it. Also tell him exactly what he can expect from you. Stress your skills in a positive, positive tone. When an employer tells you what type of person sought, the use of
This information, if you talk about your employer qualifications. It is very important to tell him what he wants hear. When you tell people what they want to hear, they start agree with you. Do not over do it, exaggerated and untrue. Use Your resume or record to support any claims about you themselves. If you do not understand the question, the interviewer asked You repeat it back to him to see if you understand it. Try see what the interviewer wants to know about you. If you know What he wants to know, do you answer in line with its needs.

What's not to say and do at interviews

Let's talk about previous jobs, if they are in your favor. Do not say nothing wrong or criticize previous employers or fellow workers. If you talk anything bad about anyone, your employer may in the future expect the problems to you. Do not say anything about the negative themselves. Try not to discuss anything personal, financial or interior, if you specifically asked. If the interviewer Your questions on the rapid pace of confusing the issues, he So to put you in a state of stress. Stay in control and answers quietly. Do not be too impatient, when the employer asks you to Question. Wait for him to finish the question and then answer it Completely and in a relaxed manner. You do not want an employer I think you are desperate for work. Not who you in the interview - it makes you feel unsafe.

At The End Of The Interview

If the employer does not offer you a job at the end of the Interviews, ask him when you hear from him, or when you can Call to learn of his decision. If you are asked to return record the time and place where you should attend. After interview thank the employer spending his time with you. Ask him if he knows any other company that may require a person with Your qualifications. A good practice is to also thank The employer by mail with a "thank you" letters. Many candidates did not make it so that it can give you an advantage at work.

If you are hired at the interview

Make sure you understand what your responsibilities will be. Good understanding of what your employer expects from you and what you expect from your work will be to prevent conflicts in the future. Do I am sure that you are very clear to them. You should also find out what improvement opportunities are open to you. Say employer of wages, what you want, but only makes money when the employer has a salary.

If, at the end of the interview, you are not offered a job, tell the interviewer that you really want this job. Follow-up Thank you letter to the interviewer. Tell the interviewer again in a note that you really want this job. If you have forgotten mention something in an interview that you thought importantly, do not hesitate to write about this in the letter. If The company is not contacted you within a week or two, please call. If someone even hired for the job to ask the interviewer if he has any other holes in his company or, if he can give you a release.

What you need to get that raise

Take the first step

Do not expect anyone else to tell you what to do. Top Office admires a person takes the initiative. Development Your individual talents. Teach yourself new skills and knowledge. Show them that you are a real "go getter."

Make quick decisions

Teach Yourself to make fast, smart decisions. Being indecisive, you will be hurt. Anyone can do well fast solutions - is only a matter of training yourself. Intuitively instincts must be developed.

Search more responsibility

Take a more stringent assignment. Actively look harder work with added responsibility. To assume full responsibility You can cope. Try to take additional responsibilities In addition to the established for your work, the more your responsibilities, the more you have assets under management.

Increase your interests

The more you know, the more valuable to your company, you work. Go to night classes or read books that will You added that education. Increase your interest in things that help your company. Specializing in as many as possible help you move on to the company.

Take a risk

Nothing comes easy. Moving the company will be difficult but fruitful. If you want to go, you have to take chances. It's a little bit of risk in life, that gives us the most improvement. If you do not stick in the neck, your chances of moving up is slim.

Know your company

Find out all you can about the company you work for. Understand and know your company. Study and get jobs Your fellow workers. Understanding what they are doing and why they do it. Always try to increase your knowledge.

Know your boss

Find out which of your boss and senior management are looking for in employees. Try to develop those qualities.

Be Good At Your Job

Management always admires people who are effective at their jobs. Keep the highest possible level of production and quality of each day. Be so good at your job, what you can do so without close supervision. Do not fool around at work, irrespective of the fact that other employees do.

Know your goals

You should know exactly what position you want. Be the person they want, if you want the position. Make sure that you can do what is needed.

Devote Yourself To Your Company

You should have a strong sense of loyalty and devotion towardyour company. Show the company that you care about its wellbeing. Don't disagree with company policies. Even if you disagreewith them, obey them. The best that you can do is to agree withthe policies and tell management diplomatically how you feelabout them.

Be Reliable

Being reliable is very important. A company wants to fell securewith your contribution to the company. Don't be late or absentfrom work without a very good reason.

Make Sure Your Accomplishments Are Seen

There is nothing wrong with letting others know what you haveaccomplished, as long as long as you don't brag. If theopportunity arises for recognition, take it. Make sure othersknow what you have done. A good suggestion is to jot down youraccomplishments in a dairy. When you asks for raise, refer toyour dairy. Keep all your recommendations and awards in a file.

Be A Problem-Solver

Look for problems in your company. Devise practical andintelligent solutions to these problems. Bring the problem to theattention of your boss only after you have solved it and have allthe details of the solution.

After-Work Activities

If overtime work is needed, don't ever decline or avoid it.Volunteer for committees, and then work hard for them so theymeet their objectives.

Voice Your Opinion

When you speak up, make sure that your opinion is well thoughtout. Don't whine to your boss. Talk things out with him. Tell himwhat you have to say and then listen to him. Speak to your bossloudly, clearly and specifically. Don't voice a vagueopinion--tell him in specific terms exactly what is botheringyou.

Ask For A Raise

When you feel you are ready for a raise and you have fulfilledall the requirements I have pointed out, ask for one.

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